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Adult $in
We are a friendly guild who always take one for the team no matter how unmotivating or rough things get. We are number one and will go above and beyond to assist you in every way possible. Got a Question about the game? No problem; you can ask any one of us and we will answer only if we know for a fact that we have the correct answer. All that we ask for is your efforts and participation in guild events.

Apply now! We have what it takes to bring you to the top.

Apply via LINE, id: hunnypot or Kliever
Hey guys, Can I join your Cool guild. Thanks
LINE is banned in my country
there's no way I can join without line?
Hi guys.

Don't know if you'll remember me, CatsEyeDjinn, used to play for Adult $in a few years ago before moving over to AFK. Id like to rejoin, if I can?

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