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Schedule for October
Hi Honorbound!

This is what is lined up for October:

Tuesday 4th: PHASMER takes over the Elite Runes with a special, limited time pool for the Elite Runes!

Thursday 6th: 4 day Solo Bounty (Resource event with Elite Rune thresholds)

Friday 14th: Last day of Phasmer's Takeover

Friday 14th: 4 day Guild Bounty 
Thursday 20th: 4 day Solo Portal (Resource event)
Thursday 27th 4 day Guild Portal (last event in HB Champ 16)
Would it be possible to request the floating pumpkin head as a Halloween event character to win. Or maybe the hero called The Forgetful, or the Noz'myx skeleton dragon all Halloween vibes.
The prizes are created some months ahead. The last reskins of these heroes would not be fun to win now and I am afraid it is too late to use any of the art for November. I think there will be a Collection in November and that the Halloween themed collection will be used.

If you have requests for Christmas, now is the time.
Ah cool understandable completely thank you =). As for Christmas then a cold type character may I request Queen of Frost, or Lady of Winter.

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