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Arena Season 6!
This game is quite fun, with simple graphics, a nice storyline, and the warriors are quite easy to get. Arena Season 6 was my favorite. However, there's one problem, though. Sometimes, well all the time, after I finish a fight where I win the screen ceases to fade, and I can't get out of it. At first, I thought closing the game would work, but when I came back the loading screen would stop at 62% and then tell me I have no connection, and now I have to power off my phone and power it back on to fix it.
Could someone tell me what I supposed to do in this case ? I would also like the game itself to have more improvements, for example CS GO have their most expensive csgo skins, there should be something like this here, yes you want the game to continue to be popular.
Try to see if it's also a problem on a different kind of device. If you play on Android, try ios or visa versa. You are welcome to contact me directly here on the forum through a personal message or on LINE (Nuller, shows as Nuller / Karin) so we can keep this out of the arena thread.

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