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Hello HonorBound Community!
I'm Austin, a manager with App Holdings (the current owner of HB). As we approach HonorBound's 5th birthday and the 1 year anniversary of AH taking over ownership, I wanted to take a brief step out from behind the curtain to say Hello and give a short "State of the Game."

First and foremost: Thank you to each and every one of you for being part of this fantastic community! A game like HonorBound has many moving parts that can help to make or break it, but none of those is as valuable as the community. There would be no game without you. THANK YOU for your part in that!

There are many challenges with taking over a game as complex as HonorBound. Along with the technical aspect, learning the ropes of gameplay, events, and items has been a daunting task. Karin helped us to bridge that knowledge gap initially and has continued to act on our behalf as the main manager of the game. For the smoothness of the initial transition and the general direction of the game over the last year, Karin deserves an immense amount of credit.

Some of the in-game items Karin has helped us to integrate include The Withered and Scarlet Grinner upgrades, replacing the blue guild stones as event prizes, 4* dragon prize tweaks, more ways to earn dragon marks, replacing Glowing Kitsune, 4* mythics and reintroducing mystery boxes, and cross-rarity evolve. Likewise, she's helped with external ideas—things like the revamped support portal, the ability to change names on accounts and clear logins, adding leaderboards to the forums, and the HonorBound Store web portal that allows players to purchase packs at a bit of a discount.

Our goal is to continue to have content and event additions like those as time goes on. As it stands, we're coming to the end of Arena Season 3 (thanks to all who have played!) and will soon be kicking off the 4 week "Season 3.5." Immediately following, the new HonorBound Championship will be starting. Keep an eye on the Forum for more info about those events!

We're also working behind-the-scenes on Level 200, new prizes for Lunar, and the addition of new gear. Along with that, I'm quite happy to announce that we're on the cusp of our first client upgrade since taking ownership. The major focus of this upgrade is adding compatibility of HonorBound with iOS 12. You'll see that rolling out quite soon with a secondary upgrade to include compatibility with new iPhone X and XS models following.

Lastly, since we are quickly approaching HonorBound's 5th Birthday, it wouldn't be a party without a bit of a gift! Starting November 15, there will be a 5-day Solo Event that awards a new Aurum to all participants. Keep your eyes open for that!

On behalf of AH, thank you all for your help in making this past year a success! We'll continue to do all we can to keep HonorBound as fun and exciting as possible. Here's to another year!

All the best,

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