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Phasmer's Takeover!
Hi HonorBound!

Phasmer returns with another take-over of the Elite runes. Between Monday October 18th and Friday October 29th (noon PST) you can choose to use your Elite runes for summoning from a special pool of heroes. Be sure to Not summon from the old pool! Use the one that says Phasmer.

Be aware that, like last time, x10 summon does not guarantee a legendary. There will be Elite runes in the thresholds for the Solo Bounty on October 22nd and the packs, that will be up during this time, will offer Elite runes but with 50% more runes than usual in the packs as there is no guarantee of a legendary. Packs are 10% off in the web shop,

For the duration of the special pool and for a week after, the Elite runes will look like other special summoning runes.

These are the commanders, mythic and legendary heroes you could get lucky and summon (epics not listed):

Revenant Thresher
The Knight of Haven
Kalsor the Ultimate
The Enraged Baronet

The Damned
Protector of the Ice Elves
Evershade Huntress
Herridan the Fierce
Derrick the Crazed
Hexed Splinter
Infernius the Creator
King Gard the Shunned
Tundra Goblin Fighter

Therodan the Indestructible
Benzrii the Mischievous
Thice of Doom
Possessed Decoy
Fergus Sleekit
Bryan the Persistent
Greenmist Brute
The Hawk
Hemuchin Oath-Breaker

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