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New Hero type - Bard
Primary Role: Support/Crowd Control
Primary Attribute: Magical Attack
Damage Type: usually elemental
Starting Ability: Siren Song

Bards use magical performances to bolster allies or weaken foes. A Bard combines the buffing and debuffing roles, with little focus on damage dealing. Their repertoire includes spells to confuse, annoy and disable enemies.

Example Heroes:

Haven Songstress
Rarity: Common
Affinity: Primal

HP: 144
P. ATK: 81
M. ATK: 116
P. DEF: 66
M. DEF: 103
LUK: 105

CRU: -500
PRC: -1900
SLA: 100
FIR: 100
ICE: -500
LIT: -100
LIG: 100
DRK: -500
TOX: -100
DIS: -1000


Siren Song
Element: Light
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Stun a group of enemies for 1 round.

Bandit Bard
Rarity: Uncommon
Affinity: Terra

HP: 171
P. ATK: 108
M. ATK: 132
P. DEF: 93
M. DEF: 132
LUK: 138

CRU: 500
PRC: -1900
SLA: -500
FIR: 500
ICE: -500
LIT: -1500
LIG: -500
DRK: 100
TOX: -500
DIS: -500


Siren Song
Element: Light
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Stun a group of enemies for 1 round.

Rhapsody of Resistance
Element: Light 
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Play a song that gives a group of enemies a major debuff of their magical attack attribute for 1 round.

Tempest Troubadour
Rarity: Uncommon
Affinity: Spirit

HP: 158
P. ATK: 109
M. ATK: 147
P. DEF: 100
M. DEF: 142
LUK: 137

CRU: -1500
PRC: -1500
SLA: 500
FIR: -500
ICE: 100
LIT: -500
LIG: 500
DRK: -500
TOX: -500
DIS: -1000


Siren Song
Element: Light
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Stun a group of enemies for 1 round.

Requiem of Resistance
Element: Light 
Mana Cost: 0
Type: Active

Recite a poem that gives a major boost to the party's magical defense attribute for 1 round.

Risen Elegist
Rarity: Uncommon
Affinity: Abyss

HP: 170
P. ATK: 98
M. ATK: 177
P. DEF: 100
M. DEF: 182
LUK: 87

CRU: -1000
PRC: -500
SLA: -1000
FIR: 100
ICE: 100
LIT: -500
LIG: -500
DRK: 500
TOX: -1000
DIS: -100


Siren Song
Element: Light
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Stun a group of enemies for 1 round.

Prose of Protection
Element: Fire 
Mana Cost: 0
Type: Active

Recite a poem that gives a major boost to the party's physical defense attribute for 1 round.

Marsh Goblin Thrall
Rarity: Rare
Affinity: Primal

HP: 204
P. ATK: 135
M. ATK: 206
P. DEF: 126
M. DEF: 216
LUK: 239

CRU: 100
PRC: -500
SLA: 100
FIR: 100
ICE: -500
LIT: 500
LIG: 100
DRK: -500
TOX: -1500
DIS: -2500


Siren Song
Element: Light
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Stun a group of enemies for 1 round.

Confounding Cantata
Element: Dark 
Mana Cost: 6
Type: Active

Confuse a single enemy for 1 round, giving them a chance to harm themselves or their allies.

Requiem of Resistance
Element: Light 
Mana Cost: 0
Type: Active

Recite a poem that gives a major boost to the party's magical defense attribute for 1 round.

Kharaz Dervish
Rarity: Rare
Affinity: Terra

HP: 179
P. ATK: 166
M. ATK: 200
P. DEF: 154
M. DEF: 186
LUK: 176

CRU: -100
PRC: -2500
SLA: -500
FIR: 500
ICE: -500
LIT: -1000
LIG: -500
DRK: 100
TOX: 100
DIS: 100


Siren Song
Element: Light
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Stun a group of enemies for 1 round.

Sonnet of Strength
Element: Fire 
Mana Cost: 0
Type: Active

Recite a poem that gives a major boost to the party's physical attack attribute for 1 round.

Terran Etude
Element: Fire 
Mana Cost: 0
Type: Passive

Grant an initiative boost to all party members of the Terra affinity.

Greenmist Piper
Rarity: Rare
Affinity: Primal

HP: 242
P. ATK: 212
M. ATK: 232
P. DEF: 200
M. DEF: 226
LUK: 220

CRU: 100
PRC: -500
SLA: 100
FIR: 100
ICE: -500
LIT: 500
LIG: -1900
DRK: -2500
TOX: 0
DIS: 500


Siren Song
Element: Light
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Stun a group of enemies for 1 round.

Sonata of Strength
Element: Fire 
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Play a song that gives a group of enemies a major debuff of their physical defense attribute for 1 round.

Pastoral of Protection
Element: Fire 
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Play a song that gives a group of enemies a major debuff of their physical attack attribute for 1 round.

Sug-Yugol Warbler
Rarity: Epic
Affinity: Lunar

HP: 231
P. ATK: 240
M. ATK: 323
P. DEF: 251
M. DEF: 329
LUK: 281

CRU: -1000
PRC: -1000
SLA: -500
FIR: -500
ICE: 500
LIT: -500
LIG: -500
DRK: 100
TOX: -500
DIS: -500


Siren Song
Element: Light
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Stun a group of enemies for 1 round.

Rhapsody of Resistance
Element: Light 
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Play a song that gives a group of enemies a major debuff of their magical attack attribute for 1 round.

Medley of Magic
Element: Ice 
Mana Cost: 0
Type: Active

Recite a poem that gives a major boost to the party's magical attack attribute for 1 round.

Servitor Phonographer
Rarity: Epic
Affinity: Lunar

HP: 279
P. ATK: 295
M. ATK: 335
P. DEF: 295
M. DEF: 286
LUK: 291

CRU: -1900
PRC: -100
SLA: -1000
FIR: -500
ICE: 500
LIT: 100
LIG: -500
DRK: 100
TOX: -500
DIS: -500


Siren Song
Element: Light
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Stun a group of enemies for 1 round.

Madrigal of Magic
Element: Ice 
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Play a song that gives a group of enemies a major debuff of their magical defense attribute for 1 round.

Lunar Etude
Element: Ice 
Mana Cost: 0
Type: Passive

Grant an initiative boost to all party members of the Lunar affinity.

Cyraeth the Wailer
Rarity: Legendary
Affinity: Abyss

HP: 293
P. ATK: 315
M. ATK: 477
P. DEF: 291
M. DEF: 466
LUK: 317

CRU: -500
PRC: 100
SLA: -500
FIR: -500
ICE: 100
LIT: 500
LIG: -1500
DRK: -1500
TOX: -500
DIS: -500


Siren Song
Element: Light
Mana Cost: 4
Type: Active

Stun a group of enemies for 1 round.

Fable of Fortune
Element: Dark 
Mana Cost: 0
Type: Active

Recite a poem that gives a major boost to the party's luck attribute for 1 round.

Deathly Dirge
Element: Dark 
Mana Cost: 15
Type: Active

Play a song that causes all enemies to lose health over time.
I can get behind that! Besides, a new class would be a cool addition to the world of HonorBound.

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